Welcome aboard!

Dear friends,

GiacomoWeigh anchor! Well… we actually started the journey almost 8 months ago. So many emails, meetings, brain storming sessions, miles and sleepless nights. And how many wonderful people helping us. And how many “no, thank you’s”.
This journey is a very simple one. Yet behind the simplicity are many complex things happening. You’ll see it more clearly along on the way.

I want to thank all my friends like Roland, Silvio, Lele, Emanuele, Claudio, Bepi, Marisa, Alessandro, Sandro, Pati, Sebastiano, Fabio, Giovanni, Jacopo, Paolo, Armando, Michele, Marino, Vitaliano, Armando Annibale, Kathy, Julie, Pete, Gavin, Robert Jr, Jeff, Carl… and many other kind souls. The crew and the world are my family. So I thank them all.

The boat will be finished in 4 weeks, Roland and Silvio are working hard. Eden Exit, our communication experts, are doing a superb job. I’m running, biking, walking and sailing around – telling school children and old and young people about this wonderful trip. And I’m still looking for help. We have no money and we are still searching for some materials, such as canvas for the sail, tarpaulin, some equipment for the Ness Yawl and other stuff besides.

We need all of you to be on board!

Let the river run
