I know that you all are tired and annoyed by this long stop, as well as me, thinking that’s all ended: Be patient, please.
I’m recovering, I’m almost ready. I wish to leave on Friday to Ramsgate at first and then to Dover where I’m awaited by the Channel crossing, at last.

I feel down for this unexpected situation and I can’t wait to get moving once again, although Ali and Anne are wonderful friends and here I’m taken care of as a king.
They healed my body and my soul.
These days in London, despite recovering, have been intense. I also participated to a protest rally, in the anniversary of past year’s elections, against the anti-democratic dictatorship in Iran that is causing deaths and sufferings.
The western governments seem to look at Iran through George Bush’s eyes: A country to be wiped, controlled and exploited.
But Iran is not just corrupted and greedy governants: It’s lived by millions of wonderful people, looking for peace. Radar, satellites and television are not the right way to understand a country, we need to look deeper.
The embargo will be a failure that will make even richer who is already wealthy. Free Iran.
A few days ago, in Lewisham, in a small creek I spotted a trout.
The salmonides, whom trouts belong, are indicators of clean waters because they don’t adapt to pollution.
I was touched. Just under the jammed city traffic I could see the simplicity an purity of nature that always does the right thing if we don’t tamper it.

My dear friend and guru Marco Scurati moved me a deserved cricitism: I rarely talk about environment. It’s true and I apologize, but here it all seems so well protected that I forget the problem. I tried to talk about many environmental organization but I had no luck so far.
In the meantime I’m also gathering lots of links of interesting websites related to our project. I had to put aside the website for a while because I receive tons of e-mails and answering is a full time job! Not to mention that I was very tired. I try to communicate what I see and feel but unfortunately, even by using videos, it’s impossible to transfer the most of it: It’s just too much.
The core of communication happens here, in the different places and locations, meeting people: It’s still the best way.
The website anticipates what I wish to do in the real world: Bring the boat around Italy and Europe and, from the water (rivers, pools, lakes, creeks, any water place) tell my story, get people aboard, show as I lived and what I have seen by showing the wonderful videos of Nicola Pittarello and the beautiful shots of Massimo Di Nonno or Michele Spiller (and any other).
Both a real world and virtual show, a sort of “social poetry” as Beuys said, where participation is the essential part of the communication.
Somebody wrote that we’re “Gesamtkunstwerk” (see 70,8% and Doryman), which means Total Artwork (Richard Wagner, forgive us).
It sounds bombastic but I believe it’s true
PS: The Un Altro Po website is now up and running once again at www.unaltropo.wordpress.com, where you can find all information about the trip that I undertook in 2008 along Italy’s longest river, aboard a boat like Clodia.