It almost seems unreal. Up until the last moment, there were still holes to drill and screws to tighten. Then, a couple of hours later than originally planned, we were off.
After a few strokes of the oars, a light breeze started up: Jacopo and Giorgio, the canoe instructor and our third crew member, were able to sit back and enjoy. The sails are perfect. Ombra and Daniela from CO.RE. have done a great job.
The Canottieri Giudecca gave us a super send-off. We were honoured by having Giovanna della Toffola give a “toss the oars”, a thrill we were sorry to have missed reciprocating in the emotions of the moment.
We also thank Michael the Viking, who followed us with his boat, as well as Giovanni, Niccolo and Diana (whose masts, and more besides, will be travelling with us), Maurizio Raunich, Radames (who gave us fishing tackle) and many other friends besides.
Then we lowered the sails and reached San Giuliano by rowing. Overall, a little farther than 8 km, covered in 1 hour 15 minutes. Thank you Giorgio!
With great generosity, Bebi Bruson and Sandro Rallo transported the boat – with us – to Motta di Livenza; not without one or two tricky moments!
De Girolami, and Gianni in particular, waited for us until well after the closing time and the boat left, full of our dreams and good intentions.
We will join it by train at Wargrave, close to Henley on Thames, at the Bushnell dock facility.
Thank you everyone! When we leave, every one of you will be on board with us.