Man on the River documentary premiére

Hello my friends. How are you? I am well. After one year many things happened.

A beautiful circumnavigation of Mallorca with an engineless llaut, a traditional fishing boat, a few hundred kilometers skiing and towing my ecopulk, in an old clean way, in Norway and some talks, interviews etc etc.

Also, I’m still restoring Memphis and become proud member of the project called Blue Oceans TV founded by Terence Bulley, a very very very interesting man.

Intense months so.

Now I am so happy. After three years of hard work the film about Man on the River trip is ready and the world premiere will be during the Biografilm Festival in Bologna.

It hasn’t been an easy process. Paolo Muran, Nicola Pittarello, Anna Sandrini, Josephine Shaumburg, Bruno Porto and Leon Greco worked with just a little financial support from a crowdfunding campaign, dedicating a lot of their time and energy to the film making. With more than 14 Terabyte and 600 interviews it was heartbreaking to cut some of them. I still didn’t watch the film..and I am so excited. It will be my first time with you all in Bologna.

The premiere will be in Bologna, in the Arlecchino Movie theater on June 10th 2015, 19:30. You are all welcome to come. Please check the Bologna Biografilm Festival web site for further details. Go to programma then click on June the 10th.

Then other festivals already asked Paolo to present the film and hopefully soon will be available.

All the Man on the River team would like to thank the persons who supported us in this long project. Without them it wouldn’t have been possible to finish the film.

Be water my friends.

See you there

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