Farewell from the Boat Show

Giacomo and his boat “Clodia” have been at visitors’ disposal at the International Boat Show of Venice from the 18th to the 21st of March, receiving many enthusiastic responses and releasing interviews to press, radio and televisions.

The official press conference was held on Saturday 20th: for this occasion, Giacomo projected the new presentation video (created by Jorge Scassa and here seen in the YouTube version). All attendants enjoyed new details about the journey, the boat and the technologies that are currently being implemented to follow Giacomo’s adventure.

Moreover Giacomo and a few team members shed new lights about the reasons that are making this project so powerful. We like to remember that yesterday was celebrated the World Water Day, whose themes are so close to Giacomo’s beliefs, helping and motivating him along his effort throughout Europe.

This week you may meet Giacomo in the following locations:

March 25th, 6:30 p.m.
LagoStore Milano
Corso Lodi, 2
Milano, Italy

March 26th, 6:30 p.m.
LagoStore Bologna
Viale Quirico Filopanti 4P
Bologna, Italy

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2 Responses to “Farewell from the Boat Show”

  1. Linda says:

    …and when in LagoStore Genova?

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