A message from Mr Potočnik

We just received a message of encouragement from the European Commissioner for the Environment, Mr Janez Potočnik:
Commissioner Potocnik

“I am happy to send a message of support to Giacomo De Stefano, the Man on the River.

Your journey from London to Istanbul is an example to us all of how we can treat the environment more respectfully. As European Commissioner for the Environment, I know just how important it is that we pay more attention to our ecosystems and to the biodiversity we depend on so much – sometimes without even realizing it! You have found a gentle and effective way of reminding us just how much we have to lose.

From a ‘Man in Brussels’, to the ‘Man on the River’, I wish you the best of luck in your journey – it’s a worthwhile one!”

A warm thank you to Mr Potočnik from Giacomo and all the team!


Man on the River t-shirts

Our brand new t-shirts have been just delivered from the Male Fatte, a company that gives work to the inmates of the Venice jails. The t-shirts are hand-made of organic cotton, no chemical whitener, and printed with water based colours.

We are actually planning to sell them to finance the project: they are available in S, M , L, XL sizes, loose fitting (Giacomo usually wears XL but a L t-shirt fits perfectly).

Should you be interested in purchasing a t-shirt please write to and we’ll let you know the price as soon as they will be available for selling.



Farewell from the Boat Show

Giacomo and his boat “Clodia” have been at visitors’ disposal at the International Boat Show of Venice from the 18th to the 21st of March, receiving many enthusiastic responses and releasing interviews to press, radio and televisions.

The official press conference was held on Saturday 20th: for this occasion, Giacomo projected the new presentation video (created by Jorge Scassa and here seen in the YouTube version). All attendants enjoyed new details about the journey, the boat and the technologies that are currently being implemented to follow Giacomo’s adventure.

Moreover Giacomo and a few team members shed new lights about the reasons that are making this project so powerful. We like to remember that yesterday was celebrated the World Water Day, whose themes are so close to Giacomo’s beliefs, helping and motivating him along his effort throughout Europe.

This week you may meet Giacomo in the following locations:

March 25th, 6:30 p.m.
LagoStore Milano
Corso Lodi, 2
Milano, Italy

March 26th, 6:30 p.m.
LagoStore Bologna
Viale Quirico Filopanti 4P
Bologna, Italy


AntiruggineLast night, the Ness Yawl has been Christened by the art of Mario Brunello, who delighted the audience by playing a Bach’s Suite for cello, aboard the boat.

We proudly announce the new Ness Yawl name: “Clodia”, from the latin name of Chioggia, a city near Venice, with whom Giacomo feels a special kinship.

The event, held at Antiruggine (the art and culture centre created by Mario and Arianna Brunello in Castelfranco Veneto), has seen many people coming to hear Giacomo’s speech about his story and the reasons that drew him to dedicate his life to water related projects.

During the two hour discussion, Giacomo presented and thanked many team members, notably Jacopo Epis, the co-rower that will join him along the journey. In the background, the “Clodia”, just a few days away from completion.

In the end, Mario Brunello honoured Giacomo and the team by playing aboard the boat, used as a giant soundbox.

A most appreciated gift and a wish of luck.

antiruggine antiruggine
Please remember that the “Clodia” and Giacomo will both participate to the International Boat Show of Venice from the 18th to the 21st of march.


Forth coming events

AntiruggineThe following is a list of the events planned for the coming month:

March 15th – Introduction event at “Antiruggine” of Castelfranco Veneto (TV), 9 p.m. Ethical entry fee (three possible offers, 0-5-10 EUROs). Giacomo will talk about his previous journey, “Un altro Po” and present the boats for his new adventure. World-renowned cellist Mario Brunello will also participate.

March 17th – Cheering up to celebrate boat completion, in the Lago Showroom, Villa del Conte (PD)

March 18th/21stInternational Boat Show of Venice, boat presentation (the Ness Yawl will be on show for all four days). Saturday 20th, at 4 p.m., official press conference.

March 28th (to be confirmed) – Show with the boat on water at the Giudecca Rowers Club in Venice.

April 8th (to be confirmed) – Giacomo and Ness Yawl’s departure from Venice

April 15th (to be confirmed) – “Man on the River” official departure from London

For further information about the events, please contact


Building the Ness Yawl – part 7